I know I’m not the only one

I’m just going to put this out there. I can’t be the only person who feels like I do. With all that is going on in our world, our country, our cities and especially our families, I can’t be the only one facing the holiday season stressed and afraid.

There is so much to navigate and consider. Where do I draw the line between being gracious and accommodating to others and caring for myself? What is reasonable to ask of others or to accept?

When it comes to many disagreeable subjects, we can all either agree to disagree, avoid the topic, or when necessary walk away from contentious people. What do we do when the problem is something we can’t avoid or walk away from? What do I do when it’s my fear of a virus coming into my body and killing me?

My family, like most I presume, is made up of those who believe in the science and those who do not. There are those who have done everything the scientists have recommended from sheltering in place to getting vaccinated. And there are also those who don’t believe the virus is a real threat and believe it is safe to continue operating just as before we ever heard the words Covid 19.

So, now we come to the holiday season where we all want to spend time together sharing memories and love. We’ve lost a dear member this year which makes us more aware that there is always the chance that this could be the last time we’re all together in this way. This means we don’t want to do anything to hurt feelings or cause harm. There just isn’t any compromise, that I can see, where all parties get to have there own reality recognized. Someone has to accept the others reality.

And yet, I am afraid. I am stressed. I am confused.

In order to try to deal with my negative feelings, I decided to do something to help someone else. My local Starbucks has a tree with paper ornaments that have names and gifts for HER shelter clients. Since I can’t imagine the stress and fear those people must experience before finding themselves at the shelter, I decided I would take some of those ornaments and get those gifts. By doing that I was able to imagine the excitement and joy they might feel knowing that someone took the time to get something for them even thought they don’t even know them. At least, I hope that is what they feel. That is what I wish for them.

To all of you who are feeling like I do, I wish you peace. If you have ideas that might ease my fear, stress, and confusion, I welcome them. I do know that this will pass and soon we will begin a new year with new challenges. I pray that I will still be healthy and ready to face the days ahead.

Peace and blessings!