What I want

The world has become so hostile, so divisive. My world is so hostile and divisive. Northerners, Southerners. Democrats, Republicans. Fascists, Liberals. Snowflakes.

I think the truth is that we’re all afraid. Afraid of the world, our worlds, becoming something we’re not comfortable with. Something we can’t understand. Something we can’t control. Someplace where we don’t feel like we have the power.

What I want for our world is this, I want every single person to be treated at least as well as I am.

Throughout my life, I’ve mostly been treated kindly, respectfully, and with dignity. By those who knew me and those who didn’t. This included all forms of authority, teachers, employers, medical personnel, and law enforcement. In almost every encounter, it was assumed that I was a person of honesty and integrity until and unless I proved otherwise. This is what I believe every person deserves from every other person.

Will anyone hear me? It just feels like no one can hear. Everyone is yelling about whatever is the issue of the day. They’ve lost the concept of human decency, Or, at least, that’s how I feel.