Category Archives: Politics

I Can’t Believe We’re Here Again

I feel like it’s 2015 all over again. An unqualified, irreputable, person has decided to run for the highest office in our government. Everyone is saying he can’t possibly win. The only difference between then and now is back then I agreed with them.

Back in 2015 when Trump started talking about running for President of the United States of America, I thought “great, all of his skeletons will come out and he’ll never win”. He was a dishonest, failed businessman. He was a sexual predator and unfaithful to his wives. He was talking about running for the party of “family values” and he had no values, family or otherwise. There was no way a majority of our countrymen would vote for someone like that to represent our government.

On November 3, 2015, I learned just how naive I was. Just how absolutely wrong I was about my fellow citizens. I spent the next four years learning that my country had not evolved as I thought it had.

We had not evolved from the days of Reconstruction and Jim Crow, segregation and red-lining; from women being property of their husbands and not having the right to vote, to have credit; or to control their own bodies; from the days of cops beating up gays; gay conversion therapy; and ignoring AIDS because it was God’s punishment for being gay. No, we have not evolved at all.

Now, Here We Are Again! Trump is talking about running for the highest office in our government. Many people support him. Many people say he can’t win. They tell me a lot has changed this time.

Trump showed his true colors throughout his presidency. He acted like a despot rather than an elected official who was bound by the U. S. Constitution. He was impeached twice. He refused to accept the 2020 election results. He tried to tamper with the electoral votes. He tried to overthrow the government and incited a riot that resulted in injuries and deaths. He’s been indicted twice and has numerous other criminal charges waiting in the wings.

I don’t care; I still don’t believe he won’t win. The people who support him don’t care. What I learned in 2015 is that there are a lot of people in this country who will support a criminal to lead our country.

Once upon a time I thought it was only third world countries that elected corrupt politicians. Now I know that my own countrymen will do so too. It makes me sad.

It used to make me mad. It used to make me want to scream. My blood pressure stayed elevated, and my head felt like it would explode. I wanted to shake each and every person and ask, “what is wrong with you?” But I had to come to terms with the fact that I can’t fix this.

I can only do what I can do within my reach. I will follow the teachings of Jesus Christ who said “Love one another”. I won’t call myself a Christian because that term has been hijacked by people who use it for hate and destruction. I will continue to be the person I am and treat people with respect and equality.

I will vote in every election. I will work every election so that our elections can remain free and open to all. I will make sure that every voter who enters my precinct is given the opportunity to vote as is their right.

I will try to focus on what is good and positive about my country and the people around me. That may mean that I have to disconnect from much of the outside world news. Sometimes that’s what I have to do to maintain my hope and sanity.

I hope you will join me in doing what you can to make your part of the world better. If we all do a little bit of good, we might see a lot of good.

The American People Deserve Justice

What can we talk about? What is on everyone’s mind right now? What is happening to our country? We watched in horror as a mob attacked the seat of our democracy. Never did we imagine our country would fall so low.

We heard the President of the United States whip the crowd up and send them to attack the Capital building telling them they could only win with “strength”-code word for violence. He promised to walk with them as they stormed the building where the business of our democracy was taking place. There is no other description for this but that this was an attempted coup by the President and his supporters.

I’ve said, since he first launched his campaign, that he was dangerous. I watched and listened and kept warning that he was like all the other would be dictators. I kept saying that he was leading our country down the same path as 1930s Germany. I kept expecting something like the burning of the Reichstag but even I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. I guess it’s true; knowing it in your mind and seeing it with your eyes is totally different.

Five people died. To be brutally honest, I only care about one of those people, the Capitol Policeman. The others brought it on themselves. Their behavior led to their deaths. The Capitol Policeman was an innocent just trying to do his job. The physical damage and destruction has yet to be calculated. The possible damage to our democracy may be immeasurable.

Those responsible MUST BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE! If not, we have said that our laws do not matter. That our democracy is negotiable. That might makes right. We may as well suspend elections and admit that we no longer are a country of democratic law and order but rather a country run by mobs and chaos.

If that’s the country you want, close your eyes and forget what happened. If, instead, you want your democracy back, fight for it. Demand that Congress hold President Trump accountable however long it takes. Demand the justice system investigate every possible lead and hold every person who breached the barriers surrounding the Capitol building accountable. Demand that any Capitol Police member who was complicit is held accountable. It doesn’t matter how long it takes. Justice demands accountability. The American people deserve justice.

I wonder

Well, we’ve finally come to the Electoral College vote. Does anyone think we’re done? Is this finally the end of the 2020 election?

Most of us are used to an election that ends on election night. We knew this one would be different because of COVID-19. We would have to allow extra time for all of the votes to be counted. Time for all of the people to vote. There would be extra precautions taken that would require time. We were prepared for that.

What we weren’t prepared for was a candidate who would call the election for himself at 10pm eastern time. A time when not even all of the polls were closed, much less counted. A candidate that decided he could declare himself the winner whenever he deemed it to be so.

I don’t know about anyone else, but I was taught that governments where people declare themselves in charge are not democracies. They are dictatorships or autocracies. I was taught that the United States fought against dictatorships and autocracies to defend democracy.

Anyway, back to the election. The voting went on despite the declaration and the counting went on until every vote was counted. When it was actually complete, one candidate had clearly won and one candidate had clearly lost. There was no confusion.

Now, most of us expected that the candidate who had clearly lost would then concede because that’s just how it’s done. The loser admits defeat and encourages his/her supporters to accept and support the winner. It is what is done for the good of the country.

But not this election. Not this candidate. Not this time.

He claims, without any evidence that the election was stolen from him. Without any evidence he has demanded, and gotten, recounts after recount. And he has lost over and over again. Without and evidence, he has filed lawsuit after lawsuit in all kinds of Courts only to be told he has no grounds for a lawsuit.

Still, he claims he won. Still he refuses to accept the fact that the voters did not choose him.

Now, many people say it doesn’t matter. They say the Electoral College has decided and he is done. But that isn’t true.

First, he will now attempt to get Congress to overturn the legitimate will of the people and the election.

Secondly, he is encouraging his cult followers to go out and commit acts of violence against people and property in order to spread his lies.

Finally , he is legitimizing the sedition and treason in our government agencies. We see government representatives refusing to do their duties in the transition process.

Now, I’m sure that the winner will be sworn in on January 20, 2021 and will take his rightful position. But what damage has been done by allowing this loser to make our election process into a circus? Will we ever get back the respect and solemnity that once surrounded our election process?

I wonder.

Thoughts on the eve of the election

Well, it’s almost here. The 2020 election. There have been many times I’ve thought we’d never see this day. To be honest, I’m still not sure that it will happen and will things will transpire as they should.

I know that there are strong feelings all over the world regarding this election. I guess the only ones that really matter are the U.S. citizens. Even those are so very varied. So many people who are angry, sad, happy, smug, judgmental, sure, doubtful, hopeful, morose, and on and on.

There was a time when liberals and conservatives simply disagreed on how to make our country the best it could be. We didn’t hate one another. We knew we all wanted the best for one another. I hope to live to see those days again.

I am scared to death. I pray for a change. I can’t understand how anyone supports a foul-mouthed, ignorant, bully to lead our government and I never will. Before you jump all over me, hear me out.

I can understand opposing views on many issues. I can even respect most opposing views. I certainly can allow that we all have the right to our own opinions. What sticks in my craw are the basic right to justice and equality, How can anyone argue against those rights?

You can’t. But then, when you drill down and equate equality to the right to determine what happens to your own body, suddenly some people think that right should be taken from other people. When you equate justice with whether cops should be held accountable for shooting unarmed people, some people believe that’s asking too much.

So, what can I do to understand Trump supporters? I listen to their arguments but most of what they say is false. They’ve heard the lies for so long that they’ve come to believe it all. I pray for them and for all they love. I pray for love to come into their hearts. I pray for our country.

Mostly, I pray for a Biden/Harris win.

Shameful feelings

Well, it’s been a while since I wrote. You’d think I’d have plenty of material during this historic time. And, I guess I do but I’m kind of overwhelmed by feelings. I find it hard to sort my thoughts into coherent sentences. I’m finally at a place where I feel I’ve got to get something out before I explode.

All these people protesting the “stay home” orders! All these people ignoring the scientists and doctors! All these people who think they have the right to decide whose life is worth the inconvenience! To all these people I say, go ahead and risk your lives.

I know it’s hateful and unchristian but, I find myself hoping that these selfish, ignorant people go out, have their rallies, protest in groups, gather at the beach, whatever it is they can’t live without, and get sick! Get COVID-19 and die.

I know, I’m horrible. That’s why I haven’t voiced these thoughts before. And I don’t want innocents to be hurt by these idiots, but maybe this is a good way to thin the herd. I’ve been wondering how we can survive the ignorant 40% of Trump supporters. Now, I’m thinking this is a good way to separate the chaff from the wheat.

I feel like I should apologize for this post. I am ashamed to admit that I have these feelings. I don’t want innocent people to suffer, get sick, or die. I just can’t help but be furious at the idiots, including Herr Drumpf, who are so ignorant and willfully ignoring the truth.

I’ll close by asking you to pray for all of those putting their lives and the lives of their loved ones at risk to help us survive this pandemic. And, maybe say a little prayer for my heart.

Peace and love!

P.S. And please, vote Blue no matter who!


Befuddled? I think that’s the right word for how I’m feeling. Maybe it’s confused? All I know is that I don’t know what I’m feeling about the world, and specifically my country, anymore.

I’ve gone through so many emotions, sometimes in one day, that I’m exhausted. Shock, sadness, anger, confusion, hope, dismay, sorrow, defeat, defiance, surrender, futility, frustration, grief.

Somehow, a conman has gained the highest elected position in our government and there’s nothing anyone can do to make him play by the rules. At least half of our government is willing to allow the destruction of our democracy to hold on to personal power. The evil that is being perpetrated by these people is so egregious that my mind can’t comprehend the reality of it all.

I’ve looked at historical government rise and fall and see so many parallels to what is happening today. I see the consolidation of power in one or a few. I see the complete lack of accountability and the rewriting of laws to protect those few. I see the complete destruction of my country in just a few years.

How can anyone handle so much emotion? What can anyone do to make a difference? What’s the point anymore?

Being grateful…part two

Well, it’s been about a week and I can say that I have no trouble thinking of things that I am grateful for. And it does make me feel good…for a while. But then, I feel conflicted and even guilty. How can I focus on how good I have it when there is so much wrong in this country and world?

I’m grateful that I live in a nice house, on the water, with a wonderful husband and pets. But I feel guilty because so many others are homeless or feel unloved.

I’m grateful because my son has grown to be a good man who is successful in his life. But  so many others have lost children to gun violence or have children who have not been as successful, for whatever reason.

I’m grateful that I live in a country that is not overcome with war. But what about all the people who are running from war or other violence?

I’m grateful for my family that loves and supports me through everything, even when they don’t agree with me. But what about those who have no family or are estranged from their family or have toxic relationships with their family?

I could go on but you get the idea. So, where do I go from here?

Worried and wondering…

In the spirit of complete disclosure, let’s start by saying I never believed someone as amoral, narcissistic, criminal, and ignorant as Trump could win the election to the presidency.

That said, I’m constantly looking at history to compare with the chaos we are living in today. I realize that many people are convinced that Trump is the savior they have been waiting for. I also realize that I will NEVER understand their perception.

I have long been interested in World War II. In particular, I have been consumed with the stories of holocaust survivors. How they survived, what they survived, why they survived. As part of this curiosity, I naturally wondered why they chose the paths they chose. It’s only natural, when looking back, to wonder if they could have done something sooner to save themselves and their families from the disaster that was to come.

I’ve read many accounts of families and individuals who watched Hitler come to power in shock and surprise. Then watched as the rule of law was changed to create an atmosphere that allowed for the murder of 11 million people, 6 million simply because they were Jewish, with the acquiescence of the general population. What made them believe it couldn’t happen? What made them stay when hindsight screams, “Get out”? What would I have done in the same position?

What would I have done is coming too close to reality for me right now. A demagogue, who fashions himself as a god, has been “elected” as “our” leader. A person who believes himself and his agenda to be above the rule of law in our country. Many people support this person simply because they have bought into his agenda and believe life will be better for them, damn the rest of the world. If this doesn’t bring flashbacks to 1930s Germany, I don’t know why not.

So, here I sit wondering when it’s time to throw in the towel and find a country that better matches my belief system. When is it time to say I’ve lost the fight to save my beloved country? Am I guilty of ignoring the truth as it seemed the people in the 1930s did when watching Hitler take over?

What options do I have and what choices should I make to protect and preserve my life, my family, my democracy, and my country? Is there anything I can do to save the future of democracy in the United States of America? Is there any hope for the best of America to win over the greed, self-absorption, and loss of empathy that has invaded our country? What can and should I be doing now?

I cry over these questions but still can find no sure answers. Perhaps those with more knowledge and experience can guide us to the truth and best of our great country? I pray that is so and cry until I find the answers.


What will it take? Part 2

It’s been an interesting week. I was contacted regarding cross-posting my blog post called “What will it take?” that I posted in February. I have no problem with cross-posting since I really don’t have to read the comments unless I want to. Of course, I did read the comments and was not surprised however, I am still vexed.

Here is the link to the cross-posted article and the responses:

To summarized, I was, and still am, asking Trump supporters what it will take for them to decide he is an amoral liar who doesn’t care about the average citizen. After the cross-posting, I got lots of replies but none that answer the question. So, here’s my response and continuing question:

Saying that most people voted not for Trump but rather against Clinton doesn’t answer the question: What will it take?

Claiming that everyone lies or is corrupt, especially Democrats, doesn’t answer the question: What will it take?

Those from other countries, I respect your right to your opinions, but they don’t answer my question: What will it take?

Those who continue to support Trump and are delusional despite all the evidence contrary to their views are my target audience. However, the question isn’t why did you vote for him, why is he such a great leader/person, or just how stupid am I? The question is: What will it take?

Since the answers are so far from what I was asking, let me restate the question.

I want to know what, if anything, would make you, the Trump supporter, decide that his behavior is unacceptable in a civil society. Is there anything that would change your opinion of him as a leader or a person?

We’ve already determined that it is not mocking the disabled, not judging others based on their ethnic genealogy, not illegal and immoral business practices, not admitting to sexual assault.

How about murder? He once claimed he “could stand in the middle of 5th avenue and shoot someone and not lose voters”. What about treason such as taking bribes from a foreign government? What if he is caught raping a child? How about incest? Would any of these heinous acts be enough to convince you that he is amoral, ignorant, or unfit for the highest office of the U.S. government?

Please, feel free to comment if you can or will answer the question:

What will it take?


What will it take?

With all the scandals and lies coming from Trump and his administration, I just keep wondering what will be the final straw? By that, I mean what will it take for his supporters to finally see him for what he is. And, perhaps more importantly, what will it take for the Republican held Congress to take action?

First I asked this question during the campaign. What would it take for people to turn on Trump? If mocking a disabled reporter didn’t do it, what would? If being exposed for his illegal and immoral business practices didn’t do it, what would? If accusing a judge of being biased based on his ethnicity didn’t do it, what would? If listening to him talk about assaulting women didn’t do it, what would? Obviously, nothing did.

Now, here we are faced with this amoral, ignorant person holding what should be the most respected position in our government and the evidence of his true self just keeps coming in. I try not to wonder anymore but keep thinking my fellow citizens have to have a limit that will be too much. What could Trump do that would make his supporters say, “Enough”?

I’ve joked with friends making suggestions of more and more heinous actions only to find ourselves shaking our heads sadly and saying, “no, not even that would do it”.  So, here I sit in complete bewilderment knowing that if any other professional committed even one of the egregious behaviors so common to Trump, they would be condemned and reviled.

Imagine, if you can, if your child’s school principal mocked a student, parent, or teacher who was handicapped? Fired! What if you learned that your doctor commonly refused to pay his bills and even cheated his patients out of money? Reported and sanctioned by the State Medical Board. How about if you heard your minister talking about grabbing women without permission? Shamed and dismissed.

So, why do some people expect so little from the person who holds the highest position in our government? This person who represents us to the entire world? This person who is a role model to our children? Why is it okay for him to behave in a way that we would never accept from anyone else, not even our own children?

I really wish I understood.